Laser Marking Inks Categories

    Brilliance Laser Inks offers Liquid Ready Powder, a versatile and high-performance solution designed to enhance the laser marking process for various materials. This innovative product provides several key benefits.

    Laser Compatibility

    Compatible with CO2, Diode and Fiber lasers, making it a versatile solution for various laser marking machines

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    Red (Copper Tone) Stainless Steel Liquid Ready - Laser Marking Powder Liquid Ready Brilliance Laser Inks, LLC

    How to Identify the perfect mixture?

    Achieving the ideal mixture when applying Liquid Ready Powder from Brilliance Laser Inks is crucial for optimal marking results.

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    Using Brilliance Laser Liquid Ready on a different metal substrate delivers high-quality, durable, and visually appealing results that enhance the value and aesthetic of the product.

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    Easy to use

    • 1.

    • 2.

    • 3.

    • 4.

    By following these steps, you can easily achieve a smooth, professional finish with Liquid Ready Powder, making them an excellent choice for various applications.

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    Designed for various substrate

      Brilliance Laser Inks are expertly formulated to deliver exceptional results on various substrates, including stainless steel, brass and copper. These inks enhance the laser marking process, producing sharp, high-contrast engravings that are both visually striking and durable.


      What is the difference between liquid ready and powder?

      Liquid ready 

      • as the name describes, contains a pre-measured powder products and is ready to add denatured alcohol without any hassle.
      • This product was launched for ease of use to our customers as it does not require any weighing process and has markings on the side of the label to add denatured alcohol up to the mark for either brush and spray applications. (foam brush is included with this product).
      • These bottles can easily be converted into spray as they are already Preval Ready containers, just take the cap off and screw on your Preval spray system right on it. 
      • Learn more about Preval Systems and how to convert it into spray -
      • Click this link for a quick guide on how to use laser marking liquid-ready products. Add the link here


      Whereas Powders are sold in bulk packages starting from 50g, 250g, 500g and 1000g containers.

      • These containers do not have convenient labels or premeasured powders to be used as mixing jars. 
      • For bulk powders, please weigh the product in a separate beaker to create your desired ratio of powder and alcohol mixture.
      How to weight the laser marking powder and create a proper mixture?
      • Please mix Denatured Alcohol with the desired amount of powder to create a solution.
      Can I use any alcohol to mix with liquid ready or powder?
      • Yes, you can use other solvents like IPA etc. the only reason as per our R&D team is generally Denatured Alcohol does not tarnish the metal substrates.

      Have any more questions?

      Visit our FAQ page to know more or contact us at